The Ultimate Guide to Effective API Development

6 min readApr 9, 2021


API is one of the most common terms used in the technology sphere and you would have come across it a million times by now especially if you have conversed with mobile app developers.

But, what is an API? You need not worry if you do not know much about API yet. Yes, you are not alone. We will walk you through everything you need to know about API development here. Get ready to set sail into the world of API to explore what it is, how it works, its terminologies, features, and much more.

Let’s delve into this API development guide with no further delay.

What is API?

API (Application Programming Interface) denotes a predefined set of instructions that allow a mobile application or software to make use of the features or services of another application or technology platform in order to provide enhanced services to the end customers.

In other words, API is a set of programming codes that help an application to communicate with the other.

For instance, when you install new apps onto your smartphone and start using them, they often ask you to log in with Facebook or one of the other social networking platforms. However, when you click ‘Connect with Facebook’, you do not have to log in with your Facebook credentials. Instead, this new app you want to use automatically extracts the necessary information from Facebook and lets you use it seamlessly

All these happen through API. Yes, it is as simple as that.

Types of API

Based on release policies, API can be classified into three broad categories including, private API, partner API and public API.

Private API

Private APIs are the ones used to provide better service within an organization or promote improved communication between in-house teams.

In the case of private APIs, though the app is found on public platforms, the interface is accessible only for people within the organization.

Partner API

Partner APIs are used to make app or software integration between two or more parties. These APIs are shared only among people who have signed an official agreement with the publisher concerned. Providing data access to partners through these APIs often fetches more revenue opportunities for the publisher.

Public APIs

Public APIs are the ones that everyone has access to and developers often use these APIs to promote their products and boost brand awareness among the target audience.

Public APIs are further classified into two types including, open and commercial APIs. While open APIs are easily available to build and test new applications, certain features of the commercial API are restricted by the publisher.

How API works

Here is how API works. Let us say, you want to book a flight ticket. You need to access the information from the airline’s official database to find out flight availability on particular dates, routes, seat availability and much more.

Here, you interact with the airline’s database from the website or mobile app or through an online travel aggregator. This interaction between two platforms happens through Application Programming Interface at large.

Terminologies in API Development

API Key — An API key is a unique identifier that is used to authenticate a user, a developer or a calling program to the corresponding API.

Endpoint — A endpoint is one of the terminals of the communication channel created when two systems interact with each other.

JSON — JavaScript Object Notion or JSON is a data format that is used to facilitate data transmission between APIs.

GET — GET is a function that is used to request a specified data from a specific resource in the server.

POST — POST is a functionality used to send data to the API server to update an existing resource or build a new resource.

OAuth — OAuth is nothing but an open standard authorization framework for APIs that gives limited access to the information provided by the end-users without revealing their credentials.

REST — Representational State Transfer or REST denotes a sort of programing implementation to prompt better communication between two systems.

SOAP — Simple Object Access Protocol or SOAP is a messaging protocol that is intended for sharing structured information across networks.

Latency — Latency is the total time taken by an API to process a given request and respond to the same.

Rate Limiting — Rate limiting is the process of controlling the total number of user requests directed to an API.

API Throttling — API throttling denotes restricting the use of API for end customers for a specified period of time.

Tools for Developing an API

Take a look at the most popular API development tools below.


This is an API development tool powered by Google. This tool comes in handy when you update your company’s apps or transfer data between two apps. Besides, this is also a good tool to create connected applications.


Dredd is an HTTP API testing tool. This is often used to validate an API’s description in the backend.


APIMatic is an ideal platform used by software developers to create Software Development Kits (SDKs) for their APIs. Additionally, using this tool, developers can convert API descriptions into different formats including, WADL, Swagger, RAML, OAI format, IO Docs, API Blueprint, HAR 1.4, Postman Collections, and more.


Postman is an interactive tool that allows developers to test APIs and evaluate their overall performance.


SoapUI is an open-source testing tool that works on cross platforms. It can automate both functional and non-functional tests including, compliance, security, page loads, and much more.


Swagger is a popular open-source API development framework employed by industry giants like Apigee, Microsoft, and PayPal.

API Science

API Science is another open-source testing tool to evaluate both internal and external APIs.


ClearBlade is an API management platform for developers that employ IoT (Internet of Things) technology.


GitHub is an open-source hosting platform that allows developers to manage codes and requests that are shared across a group. Additionally, the developer can also create private repositories to save code files.

Noteworthy Features of an Efficient API

Modification Timestamps

An API should allow users to look for specific data using various search criteria including, date, time, and more at any given point in time.


Any database grows with time and when it does, it becomes difficult to retrieve a certain piece of information.

To prevent this from happening and minimize the retrieval time, an API should be capable enough to determine the volume and frequency of data to be displayed. This process is termed pagination.


To ensure enhanced user experience, an API has to allow users to sort the available information using different parameters including, the date of creation, last modified date, etc…


API wrappers are language-specific packages that convert multiple sets of APIs into comprehensive, user-friendly functionalities.


Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State or HATEOAS is a module where content consisting of links to other formats including images and videos is considered to be hypermedia.

Error Handling

With an effective error handling process, it becomes quicker and easier to identify the root of the problem and sort out if it is a client-side or server-side error.

Best Practices to Build an API

API Throttling

API throttling is the best way to restrict the number of API hits from the users and keep traffic under check. This way, you can prevent Denial of Service (DoS) for your apps.

Override HTTP Method

Some proxies support only GET and POST functionalities and this is precisely why you need to enable your RESTful API to override the HTTP method. Use custom HTTP Header X-HTTP-Method-Override to execute it.


It is important to secure your APs. On the other hand, you also have to make sure you do not compromise on its user-friendliness. If a user has to spend only a few minutes on the authentication screen, you can rest assured that your API is user-friendly. Any time more than five minutes in authentication is not a good sign. The token-based authentication method works well for both security and user-friendliness.


Create comprehensive documentation for your APIs to give other developers more transparency into the process and help them in providing an enhanced user experience.

Want professional assistance from a trusted API development company? Get in touch with us at MAB today.




MAB Technologies is a leading Web Application Development Company.