How to Develop Q&A App like Quora? A Complete Guide

7 min readApr 13, 2021


What is the first thing coming to your mind when thinking about question and answer or discussion app?

Of course, Quora! From many Q&A applications available online, Quora becomes the most popular discussion platform.

Forum/Discussion platforms are very useful in today’s innovative world as people connect with unknown people to discuss many topics. As app users, we will connect with experts on particular topics to know more information in detail.

About Quora:

Founded by Adam D’Angelo, Charlie Cheever in 2009, Quora is created with many features to ask questions and discuss answers for various topics.

Available as both web app and mobile app, Quora makes its users more convenient to access the application on the go.

How Does It Work?

Quora is updating its features frequently to bring the best user experience. It works on the below model:

> In Quora, one user can ask questions about particular topics and the other users will answer this question and vice-versa.

> Also, Quora provides special features like ‘space’ which is like a personal blog page where the user will be the admin to space and share information about a particular niche. These spaces are not available for every Quora user and Quora will automatically enable this option after some time.

> The answers can be edited even after publishing them. Also, the user can share images, videos, and provide a hyperlink to their websites or YouTube. As well, one user can share other user’s answers on their profile with their followers.

> In simple, Quora is not only a question-and-answer website but also the best platform to connect with unknown people. If you are running a business or providing services, you can get organic clients directly from Quora.

> If you are planning to develop a similar app like Quora, then it is the best decision. Here is the complete guide to creating a question-and-answer application.

Why Create App like Quora?

In this today technology, many users are using online apps to increase their network connections and to spread their brand.

As a popular app, Quora is receiving 300 million users every month which is a big deal. So, if you partner with brands and display an ad on your app to millions of people, (if your app is receiving more traffic as Quora), then your revenue will grow high in number.

Features to Develop an App Like Quora:

As an admin to your application, you have to take care of features for two panels like Admin panel and User Panel. Let’s see them in detail.

Admin Panel:

(1) Admin Login: A separate admin login will help you keep your account secure and helps to manage this application without any issues.

(2) Manage Users: It is the biggest responsibility to manage all users who are accessing the app. From providing customer care support to securing their data, the admin has to take care of the user information. Either you can also assign employees for customer care support and other tasks or can run the app by yourself. If you are hiring employees, then a separate login for each member can be added.

(3) Controlling Topics and Posts: Most of the discussion platforms like Quora, Reddit is allowing users to discuss any form of topics. So, you can also provide all topics to your app or create the Q&A app for a particular niche like technology, eCommerce, etc.,

Also, some of the users may use the app to post unnecessary contents or answers which can be controlled by you. As an admin, you can remove those posts or block the users from the application.

This feature is very important as people can trust your quality application that provides rich and useful content.

(4) Enable Notifications: With this feature, the admin can provide many important updates to the users at right time.

(5) Manage Ads: Ads are the way to earn money from your app (which we can discuss later below). You can partner with brands and display quality ads on your app.

(6) Customization: People always love fresh content and features to keep them updated. So, after creating the app, you should add some updates to the features to provide them the best user experience.

(7) Analytics Report: By integrating the analytics tools with your application, you can able to check the number of users and posts in real-time and it helps to improve the performance of the app.

User Panel:

(1) Register and Login: Having a separate account for each user is useful to manage their profiles. When the user lands on your application, they should create an account by entering the necessary profile information. After that, the user can access the account by log into the app.

You can also provide social media login option to the user, so that they can log in directly with their Gmail or any other social media apps like Facebook, Twitter, etc.,

(2) Home Page/ Feed: After logging into the application, the user will land on the home page where all the feed posts will appear. This will show the answers that are answered by their followers or following persons and also displays useful ads. The UI of the app should be designed friendly so that the user can navigate to other pages easily.

(3) Search: This feature is common in most applications especially forums and eCommerce sites where the user can find some needed questions or topics to refer to.

(4) Editing: To make the user convenient to answer the question, the editing option will be useful where the user can edit their answers or questions in the future (after publishing it to the public)

(5) Save Later: Like YouTube and Instagram, Quora also provides an ‘Answer Later’ option to allow users to answer that question after some time and this option is helping to remember the user in the future. You can embed this feature in your app to have more realistic features for your app users.

(6) Manage Ads: You should not display too many ads to your user as it leads to losing them. Instead, you can provide them options to close the ad if they don’t want to.

(7) Statistics: By embedding the analytics tool on the user panel, the user will get a chance to look overview of their profile and performance on one page. The total number of questions or answers they posted and the total number of likes or dislikes are must be present in the stats so that the user can analyze their profile performance and improve the quality of their posts.

(8) Ratings and Comments: By enabling these features, the user can get many views to their posts from other app users and also get comments (feedbacks) to their posts along with likes. [Similar to Instagram and other social media platforms] This feature helps the user to create a quality post and the user can use the app for more time. (I.e.,) the app engagement rate will be high. This should be the main motive of your application.

(9) Marketing Business: In addition to getting knowledge about a particular topic, the user can use your app to establish their business products or services to other users in the same niche. Quora also helps businesses to drive traffic directly from the app. Some people use your app for marketing purposes. Without allowing any type of posts and unlimited spam links, you can control the user posts and recommend the best post to your users, so that people will trust the app and use it more. Also, your app should support them to drive organic traffic to the business in an organic way of answering questions.

(10) Manage Ad Campaign: Apart from partnering with brands, the app users should also have the option to run ads to increase engagement to their profile. Also, these ads will help their business to drive traffic. By providing reasonable ad costs, many users will run ad campaigns on your app, so that you can get more revenue.

Technology Used in Quora:

Python, a very popular programming language, is the current tech stack behind the Quora app. As an easy-to-read language, the app is created easily with advanced features. You can also use Python for your application. If you want to try some other technology stack, then you may consider Java or PHP.

How to Earn from App like Quora?

As said above, advertisements are the main income source for a question-and-answer application like Quora. After driving enough traffic, the user starts running an ad campaign to improve their business and you can get revenue.

Which Platform to Choose?

As you know, Quora is available in both web and mobile app versions. If you are a beginner, it’s best to start with the web application as it is easy and cheap to create. After your app is used by more people, you can start creating a mobile app for your web application. Starting with the Android platform, you can also create an iOS app after getting more traffic.

How Much Does It Cost to Develop an App like Quora?

It depends on the above-mentioned factors:

> The web app will cost low and if you develop a mobile app later, it will cost some more amount.

> Depending on the number of features you want to embed in the app and the technology stack used in the application, the cost will vary.

> The best way to start is, create a web app with basic and must-have features and grow it in the future.

> You can hire app developers from India which costs you cheaper than developers in the USA.


Developing an app like Quora is not a big deal and it needs some advanced features to make it successful. Choose the best technology and platform to develop your app. Before hiring developers from the app development company, look into their previous projects to better understand them and hire application developers by connecting with them.

At Mabtechno, we offer services like the web app and mobile app development and you can join us to create your dream application. Contact us now!




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