Complete Guide to Develop Online Grocery Delivery App in 2021

8 min readMay 10, 2021


With the growing mobile app technology and e-commerce model, many people are buying products online to save their time and money.

The grocery industry is not exceptional and uses the e-commerce method to become one of the profitable online businesses. Developing a grocery delivery app is easy when you learn the important details mentioned in this guide.

Grocery Delivery Application:

In this busy world, buying goods from physical stores is transferring into online stores for different reasons. Online grocery app helps people to shop groceries irrespective of time and location boundaries and deliver the products to the home. These kinds of applications are very useful to office-going people as they shop on the go.

During the pandemic period, a lot of people finds the grocery app very helpful as you can’t need to step out of your house to get things. During this time, grocery app is growing like a fire and plays a major role in the online business industry.

Are you planning to develop a grocery delivery app? Check the below discussions.

Two Ideas for Developing Grocery Delivery App:

You can create an app based on the following two ideas. Choose the one that suits your budget:

(1) Selling Own Products: If you are having an own brand/grocery product or running a physical grocery store, you can develop an online app to extend your business growth.

(2) Acts as Marketplace: If you are not having a product, then your app can act as a marketplace for many grocery stores. Take Amazon as the best grocery delivery app example. In this platform, many grocery store vendors create a product listing for their brand and use the Amazon platform to get customers. Similarly, you can partner with many grocery store vendors and provide your application as a platform to get customers online.

As an app admin, you can earn a commission fee for using your application as their selling platform.

Why Grocery Delivery Apps are Popular?

Here are some of the benefits of developing an on-demand grocery delivery app:

> Growing Grocery Stores: As said above, your app can act as a marketplace for many grocery stores, the grocery delivery applications will help small grocery stores to grow their business.

>Tracking Customers: Since customers arrive at your app online, the app can be integrated with analytics tools to track the customer’s location, engagement with the app, etc., From these analytics results, the app can improve their performance to get more traffic.

> Multiple Payment Options: Buying groceries online also has an advantage where people can choose multiple payment options like COD (Cash-On-Delivery), online payment like debit/credit cards, etc., which will be convenient for the customers to pay from their place and get products to home directly.

> Saves Time and Money: When compared to physical stores, online grocery stores will save time by adding the required products on the cart and pays online. At the same time, online stores will provide many discounts to attract customers which will save money.

> Many Offers and Deals: Many popular grocery apps like Amazon, Flipkart, Uber, etc. are offering attractive and seasonal deals to drive traffic to their platform. This will benefit online shoppers which will not be expected in physical grocery stores.

Hence, developing online grocery app benefits not only the app owner but also provides advantages to many grocery stores and customers. Start developing your app now!

Features to be Included in Online Grocery Delivery App:

Three to four panels are to be designed in the app based on your app model. Let’s discuss this in detail.

*Admin Panel

*Vendor Panel

*Customer Panel

*Product Delivery Panel

(1) Admin Panel:

Are you having a grocery brand and want to drive customers to your store? Then two panels like Admin and Customer panel are enough. Check the features for the admin panel:

> Log in: This is a must feature for every panel to enter into the app.

> Profile: If you are creating the app for your brand, then the profile section is the place where you can talk more about yourself and your products to the customers.

> Vendor Management: If you are using the app as a marketplace, then different grocery store vendor wants to join your app to sell their products. Then including vendor managing feature is essential where you can accept or reject the vendor profile.

> Payment Section: Either your products or vendor products, the payment will be received on the app to the app admin. As an admin, you can manage all payment options. For a vendor-based model, you can take your commission fee and send the remaining product fee to the vendor dashboard.

>Tracking Tools: Integrating analytics tools on the application helps you to know the regions of the people and hence you expand your reach on that particular location or can improve the performance of the app with these analytics results.

(2) Vendor Panel:

The vendor panel is necessary only when your app acts as a marketplace platform. Features of vendor panel are:

> Register/Login: When a vendor wants to sell their products from your application, they have to fill your registration form with necessary details like store name, vendor name, phone number, email address, etc., After registering and login to the app, the vendor has to maintain their strong profile.

> Editable Profile Section: Here is the place where the vendor will include their product categories, their address, payment details, etc., to get payment from your app.

> Chat: This is the bridge between you (the admin) and the vendor to make a chat.

> Payment Section: This is where the vendor gets their product payment from the app.

Common Features for Both Admin and Vendor Panel:

The following features must be included in the app; if you are selling your products, then add these into the admin panel or if you are allowing vendors to sell their products, then add these features into the vendor panel.

> Product Listing: This is the section where the products are listed on the app.

> Category Listing: If there are different products listed, then the category section is a good choice to display products on each category. This will improve app appearance.

> Image/Video: All products are listed in the quality image format, but if you are demonstrating the purpose of the product, videos are also included.

> Product Title and Description: This feature is used to edit the product title and description based on SEO keywords to increase the reach.

> Sharing Feature: This is very useful to increase traffic to the application. When customers find the products useful, they can share them with friends and surroundings which will drive more customers to the app.

> Chat: Not only between admin and vendor but the chat option must be provided with admin to customers or vendors to customers (customer care support) to solve the queries for customers.

(3) Customer Panel:

Features needed in the customer panel are:

> Register/Login/Profile: As said above, the same register and Login process are included in the customer panel to help customers to create an account on the app. After registering, the profile section leads the customer to enter the product delivery location and payment options to make the payment.

> User Dashboard: UI (User-Interface) is an important factor for every app development process. The fast-loading function of the app and app appearance decides the customers to stay on the app or not. To increase the traffic, the admin has to concentrate on user interface designs to provide a better user experience to the customers. The dashboard should contain all the details needed by the customers.

> Product Category: Since a lot of products are included on the app, the category helps customers to check the necessary product quickly.

> Filter and Search: These features will be useful for the customers to filter the product based on different criteria like cost, brand, etc., Also through the search function, people can land on the exact product page quickly.

> Add to Cart: This cart feature is necessary for the customer panel so that the customer can buy a lot of products at the time.

> Add to Wishlist: This is best for the customer when they want to save the particular product for future reference.

> Payment Page: This page makes the customers do a successful payment.

> Help/ Chat: This section is included to connect with vendors or admin to solve their queries.

> Review Section: This is where the one customer will leave feedback about the product/brand and other customers find useful before buying the product.

>Product Tracking: This is the section where the customer will know about the product delivery time and tracks the current location of the delivery process.

(4) Product Delivery Panel:

Either you are selling products or doing marketplace methods, product delivery is an important step. Online grocery app has the main goal of delivering the goods on exact customer’s location.

So, delivery persons are to be hired (like the Amazon delivery process) and a product delivery panel is a must in your application. The features are:

> Log in: The delivery persons will create an account on the app and include their details.

> Product Delivery: This section is the place where the delivery persons will track the products to be delivered.

> Wallet Section: Some of the customers will choose the COD model instead of online payment, and this delivery person will get these amounts and use the wallet section to update these payment details.

> Map/GPS: This is a must-needed feature in this panel so that the delivery persons can track the customer location to deliver the product on time.

> Product History: This section provides all the past delivery processes by the delivery persons.

These are the must-have features to be considered when developing an online grocery delivery app.

How much does it cost to develop an online grocery delivery app?

The total cost of the grocery delivery app depends on the following factors:

> Platform to develop: If you are a beginner in creating an application, then a website/web app is the best platform to start. After driving enough customers, grow your website into a mobile app on Android and iOS platforms. The cost for each platform varies that you can choose on your budget.

>Features: The features mentioned above also decide the cost of the app whether you want to create three or four-panel depending on the business goal.

If you are affordable, then including advanced features like voice search, AI is a good investment.

> Hiring Developers: Hire app developers from India, as it will be cheaper than other regions. Discuss the total cost with the app development team before starting the process.

Challenges Faced by Online Grocery Delivery App with Solutions:

(1) Improper Delivery System: The main goal of the online grocery delivery app is delivering goods to their place at right time. If this main goal is not achieved, then the whole process is disturbed. If the customer received the products with delay, it will be a big mistake that can decrease app traffic. Maintain a good delivery system to avoid this big issue.

(2) Small Towns Location: If the customer’s location is not reachable, doing a drone delivery system is helpful, or mentioning it before to the customer is advisable.

(3) Clearing Stocks: If the product mentioned in the app is not available, then mentioning it before is great as the user does not want to purchase the unavailable products.

(4) Tracking delivery locations: The customer can change their delivery locations frequently and the app should track the correct location to avoid late product delivery.

(5) Market Trends: Selling trendy products and using advanced marketing strategies is advised to stand unique from the competitors. Upgrading the app based on current technology and trends is considered to increase the app’s performance.

To Wrap Up:

Developing an online grocery delivery app is not a big deal and can be achieved easily by implementing the above-mentioned steps.

If you are confused about implementing the project, then talk to us. At MABTECHNO, our web and mobile app developers will help you develop an online grocery delivery app with advanced features.




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